
PowerShell Not Your Father’s Command Line Part 27 of 31: It Takes a Community to Raise a Language

imageIn today’s post Sarah takes another look at some exciting PowerShell projects that the community is working on.  As Sarah mentioned in yesterday’s post the community is a huge part in PowerShell’s success.  More importantly the community is tireless and there is some great tools out there.  Check out some of Sarah’s favorites here:

PowerShell The Community’s Command Line Part 27 of 31: It Takes a Community to Raise a Language

Thanks for reading and if you missed any of the previous posts you can find a master list of series postings located here: PowerShell Not Your Father's Command Line: 31 Days of PowerShell or on Sarah’s blog here: PowerShell Not Your Father's Command Line: 31 Days of PowerShell. Lastly Sarah and I want to hear from you email either of us with your comments or suggestions for future postings let us know, we look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!