
31 Days of Our Favorite Things: Putting the IPAM in Windows Server 2012 (Part 23 of 31)

imageOne of the long awaited features for the Windows Server environment has been IP address management.  For years you have had to look at 3rd party products to do IPAM on our servers.  Well IPAM is now a built in a part of Windows Server 2012 and is a fantastic new feature to look at.  So if you are looking to manage DHCP, DNS…etc, IPAM is for you.  Kevin did an awesome job today, and he even came up with a new TLA.  Check out his post here:

31 Days of our Favorite Things: Windows Server 2012 - I think, therefore IPAM. (Part 23 of 31) 

We hope you are enjoying the series and check out Windows Server 2012 by taking a look at these downloads:

If you missed any of the parts you can find the rest of the series here: 31 Days of Our Favorite Things in Windows Server 2012.