
31 Days of Our Favorite Things: Getting to Core of Windows Server 2012 (Part 19 of 31)

imageIf you have downloaded and installed Windows Server 2012 you have probably noticed tons of improvements.  One thing you may have not noticed when you first installed the server, if you were not paying attention, you ended up with a Windows Server Core install.  In Windows Server 2012, core is the default install choice.  However, unlike Windows Server 2008 R2 core installs you do not need to reinstall the entire server, to get the GUI back.  In Windows Server 2012 you can add and remove the GUI at while.  Keith does a great job on today’s post at taking a look at core.

Check out Keith’s tour on Windows Server 2012 Core: Improved Taste, Less Filling, More Uptime - Server Core in Windows Server 2012

We hope you are enjoying the series and check out Windows Server 2012 by taking a look at these downloads:

If you missed any of the parts you can find the rest of the series here: 31 Days of Our Favorite Things in Windows Server 2012.