
‘How to’ videos are in the works

Having received several requests for ‘how to’ videos on the Multilingual App Toolkit around specific feature and practices, we are working on creating a series of videos targeting specific features and best practices when using the Multilingual App Toolkit.  These videos will included a range of topics on localization and globalization, tricks and tips, new and updated feature previews as well a mixing in some guest speakers and experts on both Windows and cross-platform app development.

While the series is being created, I thought it would be appropriate to mark the one month since //Build 2015 with the links to the Windows Universal App and Xamarin cross-platform videos the MAT team created for the //Build event.  Enjoy!

Localizing Windows UAP Apps Using the Multilingual App Toolkit

Cross-platform localization with the Multilingual App Toolkit

Thank you,
The Multilingual App Toolkit team
User voice site: https://aka.ms/matvoice
v4.0 Technical Preview: https://aka.ms/matpreview