
Additional code samples based on the Business Intelligence Portal

Following on from my post https://blogs.technet.com/mat_stephen/archive/2005/02/01/364612.aspx that advertised the Business Intelligence Portal Sample Application for Microsoft Office. I have found we have also set-up a workspace on GotDotNet for the developer/partner community to assist each other and share additional code samples based on the Business Intelligence Portal. https://www.gotdotnet.com/workspaces/workspace.aspx?id=40063240-4d29-42d6-a163-47dcdf2efcaa. The workspace is private, so to become a member of this Workspace simply complete the application form.

Please note that this is not a supported product/solution from Microsoft. It is sample code that can be used to show customers/partners what is possible with Microsoft products and technologies for Business Intelligence.