
The World Summit of Cloud Computing

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Two days ago, at the annual conference of The World Summit of Cloud Computing (https://events.myreg.co.il/IGT2009/), organized by The Israeli Association of Grid Technologies (IGT) (https://www.grid.org.il), my college, Eliaz Tobias and myself, gave a presentation about Microsoft’s Cloud Services.

Our presentation was part of the keynote which included a speakers from IGT, Martix, IBM & NetApp. This year, the IGT annual event focused on the business and technology aspects of Cloud Computing.

Our presentation included introduction of cloud computing, Software + Services, Windows Azure introduction, dynamic data center toolkit for private cloud (DDTK) and a real demo.

It was a great pleasure to present in such interesting and important conference. We got great feedback about our performance and it seems that Microsoft has a very interesting cloud solutions.

You can download the presentation from my“Presentations” page: https://blog.maordavid.com/presentations/

here are some pictures from the conference:

Eliaz during the presentation

Eliaz is presenting








I’m demonstrating Windows Azure

Maor David-Pur is demonstrating Windows Azure









Maor David-Pur is demonstrating Windows Azure











Maor David-Pur is demonstrating Windows Azure