
Mahjayar's WebLog.

Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Released

Update: Turns out this SP was only for the Visual Studio tools part and not for the framework. Which...

Author: mjayaram Date: 12/17/2006

WCF Channels AutoOpen vs Open Semantics

Wanted to write up a post on whats the difference between "auto" opening a WCF Channel and...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/19/2006

Photosynth preview. Wow

First VirtualEarth 3D and now PhotoSynth.No words to describe it. Check it out for yourself (esp the...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/09/2006

WinFx 3.0 has RTM'd

Sometime last Friday, admist cheers and high fives, our lead PM resolved the last bug that stopped...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/07/2006

What happens when InstanceContext.Release/GetServiceInstance() is called on a Singleton

InstanceContext has two methods, ReleaseServiceInstance and GetServiceInstance, that can be used by...

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/24/2006

IInstanceContextProvider threading model

IInstanceContextProvider is the extension used by WCF runtime to associate/create InstanceContexts...

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/19/2006

Is Live search usage increasing

Robert Scoble has a post where he feels that Live search is getting better. I have been using Live...

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/14/2006

Debugging Whidbey Remoting AccessViolation Problem

There has been some cases where users have reported an AccessViolation when upgrading their Remoting...

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/14/2006

WCF June/July CTP: QnA

We have an internal alias where people developing apps on WCF post questions. Generally we see some...

Author: mjayaram Date: 07/26/2006

Usage pattern for IInstanceContextInitializer vs IInstanceContextProvider

I mentioned in my previous post that June CTP introduces a new extension to enable sharing. One...

Author: mjayaram Date: 07/17/2006

Configuring Kerberos delegation in Remoting

One of the common question we have in remoting forums is how to configure Kerberos delegation with...

Author: mjayaram Date: 07/11/2006

WinFx June CTP: ServiceThrottle changes

Users will find 2 changes in ServiceThrottle and ServiceThrottlingBehavior classes in WinFx's...

Author: mjayaram Date: 07/08/2006

Winfx June CTP: What happened to InstanceContextMode.Shareable

The June CTP of WinFx introduces some breaking changes and the detailed API changes can be...

Author: mjayaram Date: 07/08/2006

Announcing availability of WinFx (.Net Framework 3.0) June CTP

Winfx's (renamed to .Net Framework 3.0) June CTP is available here. I know its been a while since I...

Author: mjayaram Date: 06/23/2006

Announcing the .Net Remoting team blog

I am also part of the team that supports all versions of .Net Remoting. We found that lot of...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/07/2006

WCF Feb CTP: Multiple ServiceEndpoints sharing a common Uri to listen for messages.

With the feb CTP release we added the ability for multiple ServiceEndpoint's on a service to share a...

Author: mjayaram Date: 03/02/2006

IEndpointBehavior vs IServiceBehavior

Why should this be a post topic? From the naming, its clear that one is for extending the "Service"...

Author: mjayaram Date: 02/27/2006

What happened to IChannelBehavior?

With the WCF Feb CTP release the IChannelBehavior interface has been removed. In previous CTP's this...

Author: mjayaram Date: 02/27/2006

WCF Feb CTP namespace changes

I wanted to talk a little bit about the namespace changes in the Feb CTP of WCP (Indigo). With the...

Author: mjayaram Date: 02/22/2006

WinFx Feb CTP online!!

We just released the Feb CTP of Winfx and it can be downloaded here. With this you will find a ton...

Author: mjayaram Date: 02/22/2006

GoLive license for WCF

How confident are we of the Windows Communication Foundation beta: confident enough to issue GoLive...

Author: mjayaram Date: 01/18/2006

Msn Messenger 8.0 Beta invites.

I just checked and saw that I had 15 invitations to MSN messenger 8.0 beta. If anyone needs an...

Author: mjayaram Date: 01/09/2006

From NCL to WCF

With Whidbey shipping, I made a career choice to move over to a SDE role working with the Indigo...

Author: mjayaram Date: 12/29/2005

Whidbey shipped

This morning .Net framework 2.0 final version was shipped out to MSDN subscribers. It was great...

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/27/2005

One more System.Net tester starts to blog

One more tester from System.Net test team Jon cole has started blogging. He starts with a good post...

Author: mjayaram Date: 09/08/2005

Face of System.Net

We recently had a team photo shoot of the native Winsock and the System.Net team. Thought it would...

Author: mjayaram Date: 08/04/2005

MSDN article on AutoProxy support in Whidbey

Common customer feedback with the 1.1 Framework was support for reading autproxy settings configured...

Author: mjayaram Date: 08/04/2005

.NET Smtp Client implementation and Gmail - Customer feedback Bug

As I had mentioned in my earlier post, we have set up a forum for answering customer issues and...

Author: mjayaram Date: 06/29/2005

Newsgroup for System.NET Whidbey questions

We have a newsgroup that has been specifically opened for System.Net questions for Whidbey Beta2 of...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/28/2005

New/Improved System.Net features in Whidbey Beta 2

Well now that Whidbey beta2 has been released, I wanted to mention some of the new features that...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/18/2005

Coming Soon

Hi I had not posted at all this year as we were busy getting Whidbey Beta2 ready for public release....

Author: mjayaram Date: 03/30/2005

MSN Beta Desktop Search Revealed

As most of the WWW now knows, Microsoft had announced it would release a Desktop Search tool. The...

Author: mjayaram Date: 12/13/2004

HttpListener - User scenarios

I have been interested in finding out from customers how they are using/plan to use the new...

Author: mjayaram Date: 12/12/2004

GUI Tool for using Httpcfg.exe to configure SSL on a given port

In my previous posts I had metioned on how to get SSL working with the new HttpListener class in...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/30/2004

Good article on hosting ASPX pages using System.Web.Hosting api's

With .NET 1.1, a hosting api was shipped under System.Web.Hosting namespace that let users execute...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/23/2004

Programatically configure SMTP service on IIS to route mails to a domain

Ever wondered how to programatically configure SMTP service on IIS to route mails to a particular...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/08/2004


I am an SDET with the Network class libraries (System.Net) part of the .Net platform. I shall use...

Author: mjayaram Date: 09/13/2004
