
Testing with Low IL

While playing around with Internet Explorer, managed BHO and Remoting servers, I was annoyed that my BHO kept interfering with my day to day browsing needs. (In order to debug the BHO I had some Debug.Asserts in the BHO which gets to you after a while if you need to use the browser.) Also, shutting down IE all the time if I had to change something in the BHO was not helping. Anyway, I needed a better low IL client. Here is one that gives me a low IL command prompt from which I can test.







int main(int argc, char* argv[])



    HANDLE    hToken        = NULL;

    HANDLE hNewToken    = NULL;

    PWSTR szLowILSid    = L"S-1-16-4096"; // Low integrity SID

    PSID    pILSid        = NULL;

    TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL TIL            = {0};

    PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcInfo        = {0};

    STARTUPINFO StartupInfo    = {0};


    if (! OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(),


                            &hToken ) )


        wprintf(L"OpenProcessToken() failed. Error: %u\n\r", GetLastError() );

        goto cleanup;


    if (!DuplicateTokenEx( hToken,





                            &hNewToken ) )


        wprintf(L"OpenProcessToken() failed. Error: %u\n\r", GetLastError() );

        goto cleanup;


    if (!ConvertStringSidToSid( szLowILSid, &pILSid) )


        wprintf(L"OpenProcessToken() failed. Error: %u\n\r", GetLastError() );

        goto cleanup;



    TIL.Label.Attributes = SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY;

    TIL.Label.Sid = pILSid;


    // Set the process integrity level

    if ( !SetTokenInformation( hNewToken,



                            sizeof(TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL) + GetSidLengthRequired(1)) )


        wprintf(L"OpenProcessToken() failed. Error: %u\n\r", GetLastError() );

        goto cleanup;



    wchar_t* sysPath;

    wchar_t     path[ MAX_PATH ];


    if ( S_OK != SHGetKnownFolderPath( FOLDERID_System, NULL, NULL, &sysPath ) )


        wprintf(L"SHGetKnownFolderPath Failed. \n\r" );

        goto cleanup;



    wchar_t cmd[] = L"\\cmd.exe";

    wcscpy_s( path, sysPath );

    wcscat_s( path, cmd );


    // Create the new process at Low integrity

    if (!CreateProcessAsUser( hNewToken,










                            &ProcInfo) )


        wprintf(L"OpenProcessToken() failed. Error: %u\n\r", GetLastError() );

        goto cleanup;




    if (!hToken)


    if (!hNewToken)


    if (!sysPath)

        CoTaskMemFree( sysPath );

    return 0;

