
Nationally Ranked School District Improves Efficiency, Community with Mobile Solution

Irvine Unified School District


“Now if a student isn’t where he or she is supposed to be, we can pull out AERIES Mobile

and check pictures and information…. So that kind of thing happens less and less as use

of the device … spreads.”

Mark Reider, Director of Information Services, Irvine Unified School District

With nationally recognized schools and comprehensive programs in academics, the arts, and athletics, Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) educates more than 25,000 students. In late 2005, the district began to search for a mobile solution that would give administrators access to student data while away from their offices. To meet this need, the district deployed AERIES Mobile from Eagle Software.

Based on the Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft SQL Server™ 2005 Compact Edition database software, the application runs on any Windows Mobile® device or smartphone and is integrated with the district’s AERIES Student Information System.

The solution helps the district maintain healthy student attendance levels and increases the sense of community preparedness in case of emergencies. It helps staff oversee students while away from classrooms, saves time, and reduces paperwork.


Read the full case study here : https://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/casestudy.aspx?casestudyid=4000001126