
Doing our little bit for the world.

MEDC 2007 has officially ended. We're all making our way back from Las Vegas to Seattle for much needed rest. Its amazing how how much work it takes to run an event like this. We hope that everyone of you who came to the event learned a lot and got your money's worth. Some of my highlights of the show were :

  1. The Awesome keynote and Silverlight
  2. Having the chance to run Signpost with Daniel
  3. Brian Cross and his street performances with WiMonet.
  4. Rob Tiffany's Enterprise Mobility in Action showcase
  5. The Windows Mobile Panel session
  6. O! How can I forget the OFONE.
  7. Mike Hall walking around the entire event holding up this sign reminding everyone what we're here for. Picture was created by Hugh MacLeod from the GapingVoid.com.

On another note, Christine Tang the MEDC business owner sent a thank you email to the numerous folks who were involved with setting up MEDC and she titled it "It Takes A Village".

It certainly does take a village to do this little bit to change the world.