
How to add your Facebook Stream in Windows Live Messenger

How to add your Facebook Stream in Windows Live Messenger

In our previous posts, we guided you that how you can hide the updates from a specific friend or group and how to appear offline for a specific friend in Windows Live Messenger. Today, we are going to guide you about how you can add your Facebook stream in Windows Live Messenger. You can now add your Facebook updates directly to Windows Live. Share your Facebook updates with anyone you choose on Windows Live Messenger. Following are the steps:

1. Select Add (Manage Services)

Select “Add (Manage Services)” which is in the right bottom side of the Messenger

Select “Add (Manage Services)” which is in the right bottom side of the Messenger

2. Select Facebook

Select “Facebook”

Select “Facebook”

3. Connect Facebook to Windows Live options

 After selecting “Facebook”, a popup window will open. Choose the options which you want to select and then click on “Connect with Facebook”.

After selecting “Facebook”, a popup window will open. Choose the options which you want to select and then click on “Connect with Facebook”.

4. Add Facebook Credentials

Enter your username and password of Facebook account, after clicking on “Connect with Facebook”, for login in to Facebook from Windows Live Messenger

Enter your username and password of Facebook account, after clicking on “Connect with Facebook”, for login in to Facebook from Windows Live Messenger

5. Give Permission to Windows Live Messenger

After logging in your Facebook account, Windows Live Messenger asks you to allow WLM some permission.

After logging in your Facebook account, Windows Live Messenger asks you to allow WLM some permission.

Now you are ready to use Facebook through your Windows Live Messenger. Enjoy!