
Leading Trump - Pradeep U.N. & his Blog about Nothing.

Now Featuring: The Microsoft WorldWide Enterprise & Support Services - "Recruiting/Jobs Committee Blog" Pilot

I am a little Teapot - The DarkSide of the Microsoft Admin... strikes ...

As sweet and nice that Nancy Apthrop, the Exec-Admin to Norm Judah (our CTO in the Worldwide...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/19/2005

Are you "Microsoft-MAX"ed yet?

Microsoft Codename Max is uber-cool, very rock-on and quite download-heavy. "It is not like any...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/19/2005

Spread-em Up - Google plans to search through your Genes...

Business 2.0 just exclaimed "The Google Boys are teaming up with Craig Venter (of human genome...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/19/2005

Match.Com .... Fraud??

A good friend of mine is a strong believer in Match.Com. Among other things - she is a also a...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/18/2005

The Tepper/Tuck/Chicago MBA Collaboration at Microsoft.

Ivan Joseph - talked to 5 Tepper MBAs selected for 2nd Rnd interviews today and answered some of...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/18/2005

Why is my laptop not as cool as this one?

The Apple Mac aint coool - but the entire ecosystem around it is - and most of the users seem to be...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/18/2005

Ipod's alternative uses.... Clean Grout :)

Sassan Saedi my Iranian colleague from Kellogg who looks for bargains in pretty much everything...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/18/2005

Apple iPod turns to Religion. Enter iBelieve.

I remember an article I read years ago on Wired about Apple being a religion! "Umberto Eco, the...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/18/2005

Ray Ozzie - our CTO tries to blog again. Is 3rd time the charm?

Just days after RickDe confirmed his new found commitment to continuing blogging - Ray Ozzie have...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/18/2005

Brand New Ipod Nano - for $200??? Fraud Alert on Michele Acton

$250 is the retail price for the Nano and thanx to Froogle and some other websearches I found a...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/16/2005

How many hrs does a CIO spend on Surveys?

There are tons of CIO-directed surveys. And then there are the CIO-directed ad campaigns. Not to...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/15/2005

Rick Devenuti, our SVP renews pledge to maintain his blog.

Rick Devenuti has a blog - not many know it - but - yes he does. So does my General Manager (Hardeep...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/15/2005

"BrightFeet" to walk into rooms in the dark!

The last time I saw shoes with lights on them - it was on my cousin's shoes when he was about 6......

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/14/2005

Microsoft Give campaign gives $60M. But WHY???

Everyone has heard of the Microsoft Give Campaign and the last info I heard for our October Giving...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/13/2005

IvanJo answers MIT/Sloan student's questions. Talks to Carnegie Mellon prospects!

Ivan Joseph (Chicago GSB MBA) - the same ping-pong guy who put his job underfire 1 wk after joining...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/12/2005

Terrabyte IPOD Strategy akin to MediaCenter?

The Business 2.0 Blog just blogged about a terrabyte Apple IPOD Strategy and threw in a great...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/12/2005

"Black Magic" WOMMA: Word of Mouth Marketing Association

Maybe ppl already knew about WOMMA but there is an association for word-of-mouth marketing out...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/12/2005

Vista loves RSS. So should all Marketers!

I had a few folks from my Marketing team talk to me about "What is RSS?" Looking for some good...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/12/2005

Chris Sells' Best Exam answer ever

Coming from Chennai, south india where if you picked any 5 ppl on the road - about 3 of them would...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/12/2005

Tepper gets voted into SBSA!

Monica and John Robinson (my classmates from Tepper 03) at Carnegie Mellon University have been...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/11/2005

SBSA [Seattle Business School Alliance] Happy Hr today!

Thanks to my Tepper classmate - John Robinson volunteering me to be the webmaster of the Seattle...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/10/2005

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs - Contrasting Presentation Styles

Garr Reynold's in his blog had a piece today about Steve Jobs, BillG and Zen style of presentation....

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/09/2005

Pour Some Sugar .... Back in the Summer of '69

In 3 hrs I should be at a wierd concert that features Bryan Adams sharing stage with Def Leppard at...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/08/2005

Does it rain all the time in Seattle?

If I had a buck for everytime I heard that question being posed to me when I told someone I was...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/08/2005

Microsoft Culture - as recorded in a PingPong tournament.

A million myths exist about Microsoft Culture. Like all myths - some are true and some are false....

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/07/2005

Caffeine Incentives for Blogging

The next best thing to giving out XBOX Live licenses or XBox 360s (since we dont give out Nanos...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/07/2005

Million Cover letter books. Still no use!

Having spent a good deal of the last 2 wks seiving through cover letters and resumes for...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/05/2005

Swim Lane Template/generator in MSProject?

I was wondering - given the amount of planning going on in multi-team projects if there was a...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/03/2005

Mentoring at Tepper School of Business @ CMU

Analytical Decision Making, Great effervesence of Technology leverage, Passion for Technopreneurship...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 11/03/2005

Meet Beny - as Microsoft Enterprise Services Recruitment committee goes to NSHMBA next wk!

This year the NSHMBA conference will be at Anaheim, CA from 9/28 - 10/01 and Beny Rubinstein our...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 09/22/2005

Microsoft Worldwide Enterprise Services Recruiting Team might start blogging here!

Remember my meeting with Heather last week? Well the big news is this: I am now part of the...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 09/17/2005

The Next Generation CRM @ Pizza a.k.a Pizza-2005 !

This ad from ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) is absolutely hilarious, on the money and not too...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 09/16/2005

BillG goes to college with .... Napoleon Dynamite???

By now everyone knows about the movie-spoofs made at internal business conventions here at MS. The...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 09/16/2005

My trip to Heather Hamilton's hideout.... and her intellectual catalysts.

The last time I wrote anything that started with the words .... "My trip to ..." I was at a single...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 09/15/2005

Carnegie Mellon Prof Talks about "Managing Creativity" at Microsoft Campus.

As part of my first activities as a new alumni and Boardmember in the Seattle Chapter of the Tepper...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 09/11/2005

Buzzword Watch: Where there is a "reactive" there shall be a "proactive" ...

Buzzwords are like fashion statements. Wait, strike "like" from that sentence, Buzzwords ARE fashion...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 09/10/2005

Can Rants alone make for blog-material?

How many times have we seen it happen - that 2 wks after a blog is created - it falls along the...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 09/08/2005

Comcast Cable: 4 Hr ETA time window and STILL late!

I remember having a conversation I had with a fellow colleague 2 wks ago when I had scheduled my...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 08/16/2005

Bells for Cows in Switzerland. RFID them in India!!

I wish I had a dollar every time I heard the statements "Why dont Indians eat beef" or even "I heard...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 08/11/2005

What do you do with an abudance of internal HDDs?

The topic of this blog was a question raised by my colleague this morning. Having played with too...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 08/08/2005

Since when are pickup trucks - Compact????

It is alarming to see the number of SUVs and Pickup trucks that are parked in parking spots...

Author: Pradeep UN Date: 07/27/2005

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