
My Favorite Movies: It's All About Love (new) and Dr. Strangelove (old)

The one attribute that MSN Search (blog)and I share is that we always have two favorite movies: an all-time favorite (Dr. Strangelove) and the latest favorite (It's All About Love). When you ask either of us to recall our favorite movie, one or the other of these two films will be returned in the top spot, depending upon the day, hour, and what's going on in the world.

When I checked out It's All About Love on Saturday evening at my local movie store, the cashier sized me up and said, "That's the movie all the girls dig. You're lucky to find a copy in stock. Your girlfriend'll like it for sure." I looked down at the cover, swallowed hard, and as if to justify my selection explained, "I don't have a girlfriend but it's a Focus Features release and I've never gone wrong with them. Never." The cashier chuckled and said confidentially, "Let me know what you think of it, 'k?" Focus Features. Little silver emplem across the top of DVD covers. Seek them out. You won't be disappointed.

It's All About Love (2003) is a hauntingly romantic movie directed by Thomas Vinterberg. The starring roles are played by Joaquin Phoenix and Clair Danes. It's scenes are perfectly, lovingly, almost photographically framed and focused and the acting is as subdued as its hues, pace, and soundtrack. It's All about Love is a complete and immersive movie experience that touched me in a way that I haven't been touched in a long time. I won't ruin the story but I will say that it's something like Dr. Zhivago meets Gattaca and Nancy Kerrigan with the etheral, emotional urgency and political undertow of Metropolis. If you think this a cryptic description, you're right. But just wait until you see the movie and see if you can do any better. If you've already seen it, I invite you to leave a comment with your own description below.
