
Getting Started with OMS - Operations Manager Suite

How do you make sure the business you're in is productive and making widgets?


What does OMS do?

Acronym:   OMS - Operations Manager Suite


Answer:  Pretty much anything you can imagine to help provide a single pane of glass into what is happening in your IT environment.

Do you use System Center?

You can tailor OMS to any solution in the Solutions gallery, and you can even request solutions and functionality in the UserVoice website.


Ready to dig into OMS, even if you're not cloud based?


OMS has four basic services


Learn more about the OMS solutions

Verify OMS managed Computers link

Capacity and Performance (HyperV) link

Service Map link

How to be heard link



Additional information

OMS Overview /en-us/azure/operations-management-suite/operations-management-suite-overview

Channel 9 videos https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/OMS-TECH-Fridays
OMS Blog https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msoms/