
Windows 8.1 Preview - DisplayLink Video Drivers?

We formally announced the release of Windows 8.1 Preview yesterday during the BUILD conference keynote and showcased TONS of exciting new features around the enhanced user and developer experiences that Windows 8.1 will provide across all device form factors for ALL users.

If you missed the keynote, you can catch the recording and watch all the cool demos at: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2013/1-001


Note that the Preview bits are a pre-release version of Windows 8.1, so the Preview is recommended for experienced users to evaluate on non-production PCs.

I know lots of people, myself included, that have already completed the upgrade to Windows 8.1 Preview, and it was a quick and seamless experience!  One question that I've already seen arise several times is regarding DisplayLink driver availability for Windows 8.1 Preview ... if you're using a USB-attached docking station or external video adapter, this could be an important issue when evaluating the new Multimon support demo'd at the BUILD Keynote.

Good news! The DisplayLink team has released a beta version of their driver for Windows 8.1 Preview, and you can download it at:

Keep in mind, this driver is a BETA release, so there could be some stability issues to work through.

Hope this helps!
