
Ben “The Virtual PC Guy” Armstrong is the next Talk TechNet guest on 9/2 at 9am PST

imageBen “The Virtual PC Guy” Armstrong has been on the leading edge of many of our virtualization developments for years.  Ben joined Microsoft during the CONNECTIX acquisition back in 2003. During his tenure here at Microsoft Ben has helped shape the virtualization offerings with Virtual PC, Virtual Server, Hyper-V and more.  Ben is an avid gamer and has a great blog on virtualization and other cool technology at https://blogs.msdn.com/b/virtual_pc_guy/.  

This is a great opportunity to ask Ben questions about the Microsoft virtualization products and services.  In the meantime, be sure and checkout the TechNet Virtualization hub at https://technet.microsoft.com/virtualization.  

Register @ https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032493301&Culture=en-US

Call in starting at 9am PST via telephone number 800-229-0449 PIN: 5639.  Hit *8 to let us know you have a question.