
RESTful SharePoint 2010

While looking through some slides, I came across the term, REST, with regards to accessing SharePoint. So I fired up bing and typed REST feeling stupid, because what would I get but something like a physics definition, or perhaps something related to relaxation… well, the search engine appears to be case sensitive. I got REST – Representational State Transfer and the name Roy Fielding and several articles. My eye sought Wikipedia, and after a button click and several lines further, I was no closer to understanding it.

Finally hit upon this resource (which actually surfaced above the Wikipedia link!), which explains it all, and reminds me of Zen. There’s no API for Zen, it’s a state of being. You’re there, or you’re not. Same with REST – there appears to be no API to make your application RESTful, but it’s a style. And in SharePoint we’ve got the style and the API for your apps built on SharePoint 2010.


Happy reading!