
Developing with SharePoint

Hi All,

I often get asked this question, “How do I get started with SharePoint development?” What can MS help me with? So here’s a short compilation of what we can offer:

SharePoint developers are able to create custom solutions that expand on the already rich features the SharePoint platform offers. Examples of solutions that the SharePoint development community has created can be found at https://www.codeplex.com.

Through our MSDN SharePoint Developer Center and Microsoft.com Training site, we’ve highlighted a number of tools and training resources such as in-class training, e-Learning, technical articles and books for SharePoint development. In fact, we recently launched https://www.mssharepointdeveloper.com to make the resources more visible to ASP.NET developers.

Paul Andrew,  Senior Technical Product Manager for SharePoint, has outlined how to get started for newbie developers at https://blogs.msdn.com/pandrew/archive/2008/05/01/getting-started-with-sharepoint-development.aspx.

Using the partner Awareness, Certification, Excellence (ACE) utility, you can build a path to becoming an expert in developing on the SharePoint technologies. This utility provides partners resource connections t o develop their skills in three areas (Awareness, Certification, Excellence).

SharePoint Development and Programming online forum at https://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=1203&SiteID=1.

You can also utilize SharePoint Deployment Planning Services,  a software assurance benefit for customers, which is a pre-defined paid service offering delivered by partners to plan an effective SharePoint deployment.  More information on SPDS can be found:  https://iwsolve.partners.extranet.microsoft.com/sdps/

JUL 09/09:
Another great resource that came to my attention is https://www.sharepointdevwiki.com/display/public/Where+to+start+with+SharePoint+Development

I found the wiki quite useful as well.
