
Update Available for Palm Treo 700w

MobilityToday reports that the Palm Treo 700w AKU2 is available for download:

Something we have all been waiting for which is the Palm Treo 700w Updater 1.10 for Verizon Wireless which includes the following enhancements for your smartphone:

Includes Microsoft's Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) with Direct Push Technology for automatic wireless synchronization of email, calendar, contacts and, now, tasks.

Enhances email capabilities for more support of push email solutions, such as WirelessSync and GoodLink, and of synchronization capabilities, such as the ability to maintain an "always on" data connection after POP or IMAP email synchronization and the ability to auto-synchronize all email accounts based on user setting.

Updated memory management
Pictures and Videos enhancements
New Wireless Manager provides an updated interface for turning wireless radios on and off on your 700w smartphone

Jump over to Palm and download your upgrade now

What is in the world is MSFP, you wonder? 

The Messaging & Security Feature Pack for Windows Mobile 5.0 works well with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2 to deliver a direct, scalable and cost-effective mobile messaging solution.

This solution enables business users to easily stay connected to their Microsoft Office Outlook Mobile information while on the go and helps businesses to better protect device data.

  • Keep your Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Inbox up-to-date using Direct Push Technology. Plus, you can now browse your corporate address book over-the-air with Exchange 2003 SP2.
  • Better protect device data and manage devices using the Feature Pack and Exchange 2003 SP2. With this combination, IT administrators can remotely manage and enforce select corporate IT policies over-the-air via the Exchange 2003 SP2 console. Businesses can mandate policies like requiring PIN passwords for every device.
  • Deploy scalable, cost-effective mobile messaging solutions and reduce the need to pay for an additional third party server product and client access license fees by using existing Exchange 2003 SP2 investments.

[Source: https://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/business/5/default.mspx]

Yep, MSFP enables Remote Wipe.  Lose your device, and the admin can wipe the data from your device.  This is a huge concern for many mobility solutions, protecting data in case of loss.