
New Oklahoma City SharePoint Server User Group!!!!

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The Oklahoma SharePoint User Group

Introduction to SharePoint 2010: Eric Shupps, The SharePoint Cowboy will be our guest speaker for this first meeting of the Oklahoma City SharePoint User Group. Eric will give an overview of SharePoint 2010 and then talk further about features in SharePoint 2010 of interest to the IT Pro and the developer.

Our first meeting will be held on Thursday, March 11, at the Dell facility in Oklahoma City:

Dell Oklahoma City office

3501 SW 15th

Bldg A, Hudson Hall on 1st Floor

Oklahoma City, OK 73108

The agenda for the first meeting:

, networking, food 11:30 – 11:45

Welcome and introductions 11:45 – 12:00

Introduction to SharePoint 2010 12:00 – 1:00

Round-table discussions 1:00 – 1:30

For those who can stick around this optional round-table discussions which will allow for participants to meet and discuss special interest areas such as IT Pro, SuperUser and developer.

There is no charge for attending. Lunch is being provided by Dell.

Please RSVP to: balcock@ou.edu or call 325-7307.

The mission of the OK-SUG is to provide a forum for expert speakers and members to present information on SharePoint, covering, but not limited to the administration of SharePoint servers, administration of SharePoint sites, design and development of SharePoint sites, development of applications for use on SharePoint sites and usage of SharePoint. SharePoint refers to all variations, including SharePoint Services, SharePoint Foundation, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, SharePoint Server and other SharePoint variants.

The intent of the OK-SUG is to allow members to share ideas, ask questions, hear presentations from experts and interact with other members, be they end-users, system administrations, site administrators, developers or web designers.

clip_image004Eric Shupps is the founder and President of BinaryWave, a premier SharePoint consultancy headquartered in Irving, Texas, and Director of BinaryWave Limited, based in Bristol, England.  Eric has worked with SharePoint Products and Technologies since 2001 as a consultant, administrator, architect, developer and trainer.  He is an advisory committee member of the Dallas/Ft. Worth SharePoint Community group, participating member of the UK SharePoint User Group and Regional Evangelist for the International SharePoint Professionals Association.  Eric has authored numerous articles on SharePoint, speaks at user group meeting and conferences around the world, and publishes a popular SharePoint blog at https://www.sharepointcowboy.com.

This meeting is sponsored by Dell.

Microsoft will provide door prizes.