
IT Job market place today

As you probably heard, MS made some layoffs this week. I was not affected, but many of my friends were.  We are reaching out for them to help them find jobs.  I know it’s tough out there.   One of the resources i have sent to all of them is AITP  Association of IT Professionals.  www.aitp.org  I am a member of the Dallas Chapter. https://aitpdallas.ning.com/  Check out the schedule  on May 27th the Dallas chapter will be doing Careers in IT, Panel Forum.  There will be 4-5 recruiters there talking about resumes, interview skills, certifications, how to find that next IT job.   let me know if you want to attend and you can be my guest, or hey, join the Professional Association.  It is a great place to network, not just to find that next job, but great people to know.