
Golf anyone? for a good cause.

You are invited to join us this year for our 4th Annual AITP Dallas NCC Golf Classic being held on October 22, 2009 at the Coyote Ridge Golf Club. We invite you to join us as a player, a team and/or a sponsor! www.aitp.org/region3/aitpDallasGolfCharity.pdf

This year, our golf tournament will be held as the official “Kick Off” of for our annual AITP Region 3 Student Conference. This regional conference will be held at UTD campus, School of Management building, and we have included in our Golf Tournament Sponsor packages, an exhibitor package at no extra cost! See attached golf tournament brochure which includes tournament sponsor packages available and player/team registration form.

Our Annual Golf classic is hosted by AITP Dallas to raise funds to financially support our students from UTA, UTD, Tarleton State, Midwestern State University, Tarrant County College, DeVry – Irving & Richardson, ITT – Irving & Arlington, and Baylor University to attend the 15th Annual National Collegiate Conference which will be in March 2010 at St. Louis. The AITP NCC hosts students from universities all across the U.S. attend the student conference to compete in programming contests with scholarship prize money, hear leading industry experts, and meet with companies at the career fair/exhibit for hiring opportunities.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me. Thank you in advance for your participation and please invite your friends to join us for a fun day of golf!