
SC Data Protection Manager 2010 is Released to Manufacturing


YES! It is finally here!

We are very excited to announce the RTM of DPM 2010.

DPM 2006 started our journey as ‘centralized backup of branch office files’ to disk. The most important goal was just getting the data out of the branches and not requiring tape drives in each remote location.

DPM 2007 continued by bringing our own tape solution in unison with our disk-to-disk protection, and adding supported ways to protect and recover key Microsoft applications such as SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange or SharePoint. We also delivered DPM 2 DPM 4 DR, as a method of replicating data from one DPM server to another, between datacenters.

DPM 2007 SP1 built upon that and added Hyper-V protection, as well as cloud-based protection using trusted partners like Iron Mountain.

Staying true to our vision of reinventing how Windows customers accomplish data protection by discarding some of the constraints that many legacy backup products deal with -- DPM delivers a single agent at the production workload to protect those assets to unified disk, tape and cloud repositories … from Microsoft for Windows.

DPM 2010 truly delivers unified data protection for Windows servers and clients, in a way that is wholly supportable for protection and recovery and across disk-, tape- and cloud-based media.

Some of the big enhancements include:

Protection of Windows Clients, using protection policies that are in effect while they are connected to the corporate network (or VPN/Direct Access) or disconnected by storing changes within the local hard drive.

Protection for Microsoft Virtualization, including Hyper-V R2 LiveMigration scenarios, recovering VMs to alternate hosts, and item-level recovery (single file) from a host-based backup.

New features for application servers, including SQL Server self-service restores, no more SharePoint recovery farm, support of Exchange 2010 DAG and auto-protection of new databases within SQL instances or SharePoint farms.

DPM 2010 really also takes the product as midmarket/large-company to enterprise-ready, with scale increases.  A single DPM server can protect:

100 production servers

1,000 Windows clients

2,000 SQL databases

25TB SharePoint farms containing 1M items

40TB Exchange databases

We are really proud of DPM 2010 and believe that it surpasses all of the goals that you asked for in a Microsoft backup and recovery solution for Windows environments.

[UPDATE] the RTM Evaluation Software for DPM 2010 is now available at:
