
Jose Barreto's Blog

A blog by Jose Barreto, a member of the OneDrive team at Microsoft.

Quest to buy Vintela / Quest vai comprar Vintela

If you're trying to have your UNIX and/or Linux clients authenticate against Active Directory or in...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/03/2005


Microsoft recently announced the availability of a beta release of a new server-based business...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/28/2005

Search techniques / Tecnicas de Busca

I'm surprised to see how many people fail to find what they're looking for in the web. It seems like...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/28/2005

Jose Barreto Update - Maio de 2005

Oi! Bem vindo à segunda edição deste boletim via e-mail com algumas novidades...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/27/2005

We don't need no stinkin' badges / Nada de cracha, meu chapa

This week I took a group from Cisco Systems to visit Microsoft in Redmond. This was part of a...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/22/2005

Microsoft Update

Microsoft has been working hard to unify all software updates to simplify the process for users. A...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/20/2005

SQL Server 2000 SP4

SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 is now a released product. It is available for download from the...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/06/2005

Virtualization / Virtualizacao

There were quite a few announcements recently around Microsoft's Virtualization Technologies. 1) The...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/05/2005

64 bits

I have been getting questions about 64-bit technologies and specifically about how applications will...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/30/2005

Active Directory demo / Demo do Active Directory

I'm working on creating a demo system running Active Directory and wanted to share a tip. You see,...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/28/2005

One more exam / Mais um exame

This is just to let you know that I just passed the MCP exam on Microsoft Enterprise Project...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/27/2005

Jose Barreto Update - Abril de 2005

Oi! Este e-mail é um boletim que eu estou inaugurando hoje com algumas novidades sobre o que...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/22/2005

Another event in Fortaleza confirmed / Outro evento confirmado em Fortaleza

I have confirmed the plans to deliver a series of presentations at the Instituto Atlântico in...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/21/2005

.NET Event in Fortaleza in June / Evento .NET em Fortaleza em Junho

My .NET Presentation (which I mentioned in one the previous post) is now published on the Microsoft...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/16/2005

Creating a Presentation / Criando uma Apresentacao

As I mentioned before, I am working in creating a presentation for developers on .NET. It's so...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/03/2005

Project Data Services

The Project Data Service (PDS) is an API for Project Server that uses HTTP as a transport and XML as...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/31/2005

Selecting topics / Selecionando topicos

As I have mentioned before, I have plans to deliver a series of presentations at the Instituto...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/28/2005

My .NET Presentation / Minha Palestra sobre .NET

I have been tasked with delivering a presentation designed to explain what is .NET to a group of...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/28/2005

Trip to Brazil, Presentation in Fortaleza / Viagem para o Brasil, Palestra em Fortaleza

It's confirmed now. I will be in spending some vacation time in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil from June 16th...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/27/2005

New site at blogs.technet.com / Novo site no blogs.technet.com

As you probably noticed, this blogs has a new home now. Since my work is mostly related to...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/27/2005

EAS Support in Windows / Suporte para EAS no Windows

AES (ECB/CBC, 128/192/256) is supported in both Windows XP SP1 and Windows Server 2003. For...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 01/18/2005

Project Server 2003 Training / Treinamento para Project Server 2003

Microsoft's Project Server 2003 is great, but implementing and using it fully requires a good...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 12/10/2004

Automating Certificates / Automação de Certificados

A user asked: Is there a script or command line tool for Windows XP to install certificates? We want...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 12/09/2004


If you're not ready for Windows XP SP2 yet, you might want to know that there is a simple way to...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 08/20/2004

MOM 2005 Preview

Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Preview If you're interested in playing with the latest released...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 08/20/2004

Security for Applications

If you updated your MCSD for .NET last year, there are two interesting new exams that were recently...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/12/2004

Good scripting book for WSH, ADSI, WMI?

Someone asked me: “Hey Jose...Was wondering if you could recommend any good scripting books...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/11/2004

Outlook 2003 and the OAB

Outlook 2003 introduced a number of improvements and the most relevant (in my opinion) it the new...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/11/2004

We live very interesting times

If you're a .NET developer, the next 12 months are going to be very exciting. We have Visual Studio...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/06/2004

Security, VHDs e Defragmentation

I have spent most of my time recently delivering the Microsoft Security Onsite training. This is...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/06/2004

This blog thing

I already had my web site for so long, doing a blog can't be that hard. Of course, we will only know...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/06/2004
