
ProDev Partner Briefing Update and Partner Resource Cheat Sheet

Over the past week I have traveled to New York City and Waltham, MA to deliver the first 2 ProDev Partner Briefings comprising a 7-city tour that I pulled together to meet with Application Development Partners up and down the East Coast.  I am pleased to say that the events have been well received and given high scores.  If you have not yet registered for one of the five remaining events, please consider doing so today by checking out the dates, locations and registration links posted earlier on my blog at ProDev Partners-Only Briefing - US East Region.

A number of partners have also expressed their gratitude for a cheat sheet of on-line resources I've shared with them during my presentation.  In the spirit of helping as many partners as I can, I am making it broadly available to you now in the event that you can benefit from it as well.

https://partner.microsoft.com – Partner Program home page

https://partners.microsoft.com – Enrollment site for Microsoft partners

https://partner.microsoft.com/US/salesmarketingsection/smcampaigns - Ready-to-go campaigns marketing materials and services

https://partner.microsoft.com/US/40020720 - Where partners publish their solutions

https://solutionfinder.microsoft.com – Where customers find partners

https://channelbuilder.partners.extranet.microsoft.com/cb/Default.aspx - Where partners can network and collaborate with other partners by creating or responding to an opportunity

https://www.microsoftpartnerevents.com – Partner events portal

https://www.innovateon.com/ – Central resource to help you build, test, and market your solution based on Microsoft technologies

https://www.mspartneruniversity.upsellusa.com – Online sales training and incentive programs website

https://www.mspartnerdirect.com/ – Marketing services for partners

https://partnerblogs.com/ - Partner Blog Community

https://partnerblogs.com/blogs/partnercasts - Webcasts for the Partner Blog Community

https://www.isvinnovation.com/ - The home of Microsoft U.S. ISV training

https://www.phizzpop.com or https://phizzpop.visitmix.com - One-stop roadmap for web agencies

https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=15082395245 – An online social networking group for Microsoft’s Application Development Partners

https://sharepoint.microsoft.com/blogs/partnersonpoint/default.aspx - SharePoint Partner Solutions

https://partner.microsoft.com/US/40032362 - Become a Microsoft Licensing Reseller

https://partner.microsoft.com/US/40028950?PS=95000124 -Basic Resources for Resellers

https://partner.microsoft.com/US/40017359?PS=3 - Microsoft Licensing Reseller Handbook
