
Windows 7 Training and Documentation


Windows 7 Training Guidance - Client

https://www.microsoft.com/learning/windows-7/default.mspx - Learning portal

List of books, eLearning, etc…

Windows 7 Technical Library - all the online document to date


Deployment Image Servicing and Management

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd349337(WS.10).aspx - This is the full set of Deployment documentation

User State Migration Tool 4.0

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd560796(WS.10).aspx - How to use USMT

Application Compatibility



https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9659775 - Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5


https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd637762(WS.10).aspx - BranchCache Early Adopters Guide


https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd637836(WS.10).aspx - Designing a DirectAccess Solution

VPN Connect

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd637783(WS.10).aspx - Deploying Remote Access with VPN Connect

Windows Troubleshooting Platform

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/dd572173.aspx -

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd349347(WS.10).aspx - Windows 7: Troubleshooting and Support - Troubleshooting Events and Errors - the full list of Error messages through Windows

https://edge.technet.com/Media/Windows-7-Screencast-Problem-Steps-Recorder-PSR/ - Screencast - Problem Steps Recorder

Windows PowerShell 2.0

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd367858.aspx - What's New in Windows PowerShell

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc196356.aspx - Windows PowerShell (2.0) Users Guide

BitLocker and BitLocker to Go

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd875547(WS.10).aspx - Bitlocker Drive Encryption Deployment Guide

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd835565(WS.10).aspx - Bitlocker (and Bitlocker To Go) Drive Encryption Step By Step guide

User Account Control

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd835548(WS.10).aspx - How UAC Works


https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd723686(WS.10).aspx - AppLocker Step-by-Step Deployment Guide

Federated Search

https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c709a596-a9e9-49e7-bcd4-319664929317&DisplayLang=en - Implementer's Guide


TechNet Webcast: Windows 7 Feature Overview (Level 200)

Discover Windows 7 platform capabilities that provide enhanced security and control, secure anywhere access that can make users more productive, and seamless desktop management that can make it easier for IT professionals and users to manage the des ...


TechNet Webcast: Windows 7 Deployment Enhancements (Level 200)

Discover the enhanced deployment capabilities available in the Windows 7 operating system. In this webcast, we explore virtual hard disk (VHD) image management and deployment, dynamic driver provisioning, and multicast multiple stream transfer funct  ...


TechNet Webcast: Windows 7 Manageability Solutions (Level 300)

Windows 7 operating system manageability features can provide more flexible administrative control, increase automation of administrative tasks, and reduce help desk calls. In this webcast, we explore how Windows PowerShell 2.0 automates desktop adm ...


TechNet Webcast: Automating Windows 7 Deployments Using System Center Configuration Manager (Level 300)

We focus on automating Windows 7 operating system deployments using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager in this webcast. First, we cover how to automate hardware and software inventory using Asset Intelligence to determine what application ...


TechNet Webcast: Windows 7 Seamless Network Access (Level 300)

Discover how networking capabilities in Windows 7 can reduce IT costs, improve productivity, and make it easier to manage than other operating systems. Join us for this webcast as we discuss the challenges of managing a network and how Windows 7 net  ...

7/1/2009 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 7/1/2009 11:00 AM | Duration:60 Minutes


TechNet Webcast: Windows 7 Enhanced Security and Control (Level 300)

Core platform security improvements in the Windows 7 operating system help you secure anywhere access, protect data, and protect desktop users. In this webcast, we explain how Windows 7 security features provide the foundation for a secure and relia  ...

7/15/2009 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 7/15/2009 11:00 AM | Duration:60 Minutes


TechNet Webcast: Windows 7 Planning and Deployment Tools (Level 300)

Discover the tools that can help you customize Windows 7 operating system packages and automate Windows 7 deployment planning and network deployments seamlessly. In this webcast, we explore using the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit t ...

7/22/2009 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 7/22/2009 11:00 AM | Duration:60 Minutes


TechNet Webcast: Protecting Your Data with Windows 7 BitLocker and BitLocker To Go (Level 300)

Learn how to protect your data on systems running the Windows 7 operating system using BitLocker and BitLocker To Go. In this webcast, we examine BitLocker enhancements and capabilities, we set up and configure Trusted Module Management personal ide  ...

7/29/2009 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 7/29/2009 11:00 AM | Duration:60 Minutes

