
My thoughts on SBS and some useful links

The aim of Microsoft’s Small Business Server software is to do exactly what is says on the box.


It is quite simply “a small business server which is used in small business”. Prior to server technology the way in which most small business operated was with the use of peer to peer networking, which is still commonly used to this day. The advancements into small business server software such as Microsoft Small Business Server 2003, provides an affordable opportunity to allow more and more small businesses to start using servers. This means that small businesses can operate within the same technical boundaries that larger businesses operate whilst remaining focused and agile


Great Article on the advantages of being a small business


Some interesting links and blogs around SBS


Small Business Server main page

Small Business Server support blog

Susan Bradley's excellent SBS blog

David Overton’s Small Business Blog

Whitepaper Overview of Small Business Server for Enterprise IT Pros

UK & Ireland Small Business Specialist Community

Vlad Mazek's SBS blog