
BPOS: Partner Profitability Modeler Tool

Last week I attended Martin Walkers BPOS session and I discovered the following links. I particularly like the Partner Profitability Modeler Tool. I’d be keen to hear thoughts about the feedback on this tool?

Sign into www.quickstartonlineservices.com/discover then click on one of these links:

BPOS Pricing and Scenario Tool located here

This tool is designed to help partners educate customers on the different pricing options and benefits available to them with the BPOS licensing model. Key purposes: Show the value of the Platform EA with BPOS for both renewing and new customers. Provide an estimate on the license cost of the customer solution for BPOS. Educate customers on the options available to them and the benefits of each option. Allow customers to cost both the Standard and Dedicated environments. This tool provides ROI calculations.

BPOS Cost Comparison ( Total Cost of Ownership) Tool  located here

This tool is for Partners to help educate customers on the best fit options. Evaluate Standard service - multi tenant platform. The tool provides cost summary for 3 and 6 year TCO views. This tool does not provide ROI calculations.

Partner Profitability Modeler Tool (Finance and Investment Tool) located here

Invest a small amount of time to estimate your Profit and Loss for new business opportunities including Software plus Services based solutions and models.

( tool URL: https://roianalyst.alinean.com/microsoft/business_partner/launch.html  )

This file contains all of the above tools, direct links and user guides! click here

In this zip file you will find the BPOS Cost Comparison (Total Cost of Ownership) Tool, BPOS Pricing and Scenario Tool and the direct link/user guide for the Partner Profitability Modeler Tool