PowerShell gotcha - foreach keyword vs. foreach-object cmdlet
This came up on an internal mailing list and I thought others may find it interesting. Here was my response.
You’re confusing the foreach keyword with the foreach-object cmdlet – Bruce’s book does an excellent job discussing the differences.
“continue” in your case is looking up the stack for a loop to exit and doesn’t find one, so it exits fully.
C:\Users\jmanning\Documents\bin\tfs # 1,2,3 | foreach-object { if ($_ -eq 2) { continue } ; $_ }
C:\Users\jmanning\Documents\bin\tfs # foreach ($i in 1,2,3) { if ($i -eq 2) { continue } ; $i }
- Anonymous
March 27, 2007
That's just not right. It's a shame they made it sound like a loop. Buck