IOD: Dynamically Generated Images for Advertising
This one is really for the Xbox Live team to implement. I'd love to have a cool looking image on the side of my blog with my Xbox Live gamertag and possibly some recent stats ala Feedberner. Sure, I could go into Photoshop like everyone else does, but why doesn't the Xbox live team offer this as a service for their community? It would be free advertising for them and the images created would look better than what I could photoshop. I'm interested in creating images that look like the one on this blog.
- Anonymous
November 19, 2004
Josh - Cory Smith did exactly that on his site. I guess he created a few images by hand and then then requests got overwhelming and he created an ASP.NET page to generate them for you: - Anonymous
November 19, 2004
Thanks! Sweeeeet. Well, I got my wish. Fanciful stats would be cool to so I could brag about how good/bad I am at Halo2 wherever I put my logo. :-) but beggers can't be choosers.