
Exchange 2007 Tip O' The Day (not updated daily)

When you install Exchange 2007 for the first time, you need to extend the AD schema (usually by running setup.com /PrepareSchema, or just setup /ps if you’re lazy like me).


Make sure you do this in the same AD site as the schema master, otherwise you will get the following error:


Setup needs to contact the Active Directory schema master but this computer is not in the same Active Directory site as the schema master (XXX).

(XXX being the AD site)


So how do you find out which actual server is the schema master?  Well, I’m glad you asked.


First make sure you have the appropriate permissions, then run the following command:


            regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll


This will enable you to add a snap-in to MMC called “Active Directory Schema”.  You can then right-click, view Operations Master, and either find out which server is the current Schema Master or transfer the role to another server.