
IIS Media Services 3.0 Released!!

The IIS Media Services team just released the IIS Media Services 3.0 suite of technologies. This is pretty big release for us – with Live Smooth Streaming possibly being the coolest part of it. If you are watching the NBC Sunday Night Football on the web, then you have seen Live Smooth Streaming in action. You you have not – you must check it out here.

To install and try out IIS Media Services 3.0 , download it via the Web Platform Installer here.

So what’s in IIS Media Services 3.0 ?

Smooth Streaming and Live Smooth Streaming for adaptive streaming of media over HTTP

Bit Rate Throttling for controlling bandwidth spent in delivering media

Web Playlists for controlled and sequenced delivery of media

Advanced Logging for logging both on the client and the server

Application Request Routing to provide edge caching.


Another notable bit of software that was just put out there (albeit still in beta) is the Smooth Streaming Player Development Kit. If you are a Silverlight developer, and are looking to extend the same programming model of the Silverlight MediaElement to the world of Smooth Streaming, then the SmoothStreamingMediaElement (SSME) component contained in this kit will make your life really easy. The SSME exposes a ton of additional rich functionality to take advantage of the Smooth Streaming platform and file formats – do check it out !!


I will be blogging more on some of this stuff in the coming weeks – ta for now !!
