
Boston Code Camp–October 20th

Register for Boston Code Camp - October 20thI am a firm believe that community events like Code Camps are one of the best investments you as a technologist can make in your own career. 

Where else can you learn about a myriad of topics – from beginner to advanced – and network with fellow developers, designers, architects, and IT professionals – FREE?

Your next opportunity to make that investment is Boston Code Camp, being held on Saturday, October 20th, at the New England Research and Development Center (NERD) in Cambridge.

The agenda isn’t quite yet complete - there’s still a brief window of opportunity to submit your own session - but here’s a subset of the nearly three dozen topics proposed so far .

Arduino and .NET Android Services with C# NoSQL with Couchbase Server
Multithreading in .NET 4.5 TypeScript SVG Graphics with D3
Spine.js on Azure iPhone Native Apps with jyOS Windows 8 and MonoGame
PowerShell Programming Securing WebAPI Services Machine Learning in 60 Minutes


Attendance is free, thanks to sponsors like Telerik, ComponentOne, Bluefin Technical Services, and RGood Software, but do register for an accurate count for breakfast and lunch.