
Windows Server virtualization

...is here (nearly). I'll provide more details over the coming days, but with WinHEC now upon us, the covers are lifted on both Windows Server virtualization and System Center Virtual Machine Manager (aka Carmine). For now, the best place to find info is on presspass. I've also now setup the Virtual Machine team blog empty right now but there will be further information going up there later today.



  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006

    We are avid users of Virtual Server 2005 R2 (and earlier versions).  We are starting to look at automation and management. (Lots of good script snippets on the blogs).

    The new team blog page mentions API's for the hypervisor and industry/community efforts to standardize API's.

    I've also read that about System Center evolution to manage Virtual Server / Virtual Machines.

    I'm sure you'll get this question a lot - since we haven't yet done any scripting or API work with VS R2, can you point us towards what, if any, of the current API and COM interface will not be changing?

    Since were not in a hurry, I'd rather plan for the new products and management/API's in the works even though it's still quite a bit in the future.

    I know the classic answer is always "don't wait for the next big thing, start now with what is available" but our timeframe (believe it or now) is a much longer term perspective.