
Towards Prescriptive SOA Guidance for the Education Industry

e-Week just published a short article about the activities of the Redwood Group. 

The Redwood Group is an effort to provide guidance and recommendations to the Education industry. You can download a presentation that communicates more info about the Redwood Group. (You may have to sign up with Yahoo Groups to download the ppt.) In summary, the purpose of the Redwood Group is to:

"Promote the adoption of service-oriented approaches and specification harmonization/clarification for educational technologies. "

Sound interesting? We would love to have you join us

Follow up: Apparently some analysts think the reason Microsoft withdrew from UN/CEFACT is because we want to start a "proprietary standards organization" like the Redwood Group. Nothing could be further from the truth. Specifically:

The Redwood Group is a group of Higher Education thought leaders interested in driving a convergence among the various higher education standards. It is in no way related to UN/CEFACT or our decision to withdraw from UN/CEFACT. The Redwood Group took its name from the meeting room in which we met (this happened at an IMS conference in Redwood Shores). The group is open to anyone interested in joining us - see the link above for specifics.

Please contact me if you have any such false assumptions.