
Jason Zander's blog

Corporate Vice President, Windows Azure

A Different Kind of Fan Boy

The marketing team gave me one of these really cool VS2008 fans from the Japanese sub.  It has...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 04/16/2009

VSTS and the Platforms Magic Quadrant

Over the last few months I’ve been sharing updates about VSTS 2008 and 2010, most recently sharing...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 04/01/2009

Essential LINQ

Charlie Calvert and Dinesh Kulkarni have just released their new book, Essential LINQ.  LINQ...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 03/27/2009

A New Look for Visual Studio 2010

At the PDC and TechEd EMEA last year we described our new editor support built on the WPF technology...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 02/20/2009

Pep Talks

I’ve found at times working as a team can be tough.  The VSTS marketing team just released a...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 02/18/2009

IronPython 2.0 Released

IronPython 2.0 was just released to codeplex for download. Here are a few important links: Home page...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 12/10/2008

TechEd EMEA 2008 Keynote, Including SharePoint Tools for VS

Today in the TechEd Developers Keynote in Barcelona we announced a number of new features we haven't...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 11/10/2008

Service Pack 1 for VS2008 SP1 and .NET FX 3.5 Now Live

You can now download the SP1 for Visual Studio and the .NET Framework here.  Like any service...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 08/12/2008

Melbourne Videos Live

In March I did the keynote for our Heroes Happen Here launch in Melbourne.  While at the launch...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 05/13/2008

Announcing Popfly Game Creator

My boys (11 and 13) love playing video games.  I've also spent time trying to get them...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 05/02/2008

VC++ 2008 Feature Pack Released Today

The VC++ 2008 Feature Pack, with a new version of MFC and an implementation of TRE1, has officially...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 04/08/2008

Silverlight 2 Map / DataGrid Demo (Part 2)

In Part 1 we created a n-tier Silverlight application which used LINQ and Silverlight 2 including...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 04/04/2008

Silverlight 2 Map / DataGrid Demo (Part 1)

I did the keynote speech for VS Live in San Francisco on 3/31 and included a demo of how to use the...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 04/04/2008

Lang.NET Videos Back Online

I had posted a pointer to our Lang.NET videos here, but unfortunately the site they were hosted on...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 03/13/2008

Announcing Silverlight Support for Nokia Devices Including S60

Part of my role as GM for Visual Studio is driving our Mobility efforts in the Developer Division...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 03/04/2008

  I just got this new book on advanced debugging in Windows by Mario Hewardt and Daniel...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 03/01/2008

Visual Studio 2008 Launch Event in LA

Today we are formally launching Visual Studio 2008, Windows Server 2008, and SQL Server 2008 here in...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 02/27/2008

Lang.Net 2008 Videos Available

We held our second Lang.Net Symposium on campus at the end of January and the videos from the event...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 02/21/2008

Download Install Challenges with VS2008

I've seen several folks having problems since we RTM'd VS2008.  These usually manifest...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 11/27/2007

Couple of Historical Facts

At first when I started to see things I've worked on talked about in articles I thought it was...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 11/22/2007

Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 RTM!

Today we released to manufacturing Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5!  I want to...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 11/19/2007

Tulsa Techfest 2007 Keynote Slides

This morning I gave the opening keynote for the Tulsa TECHFEST 2007 event. There is great attendance...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 10/19/2007

Getting Started With Silverlight

I've had a number of queries on how to get started with Silverlight after my talk in NYC on Monday....

Author: Jason Zander Date: 09/21/2007

Slides from VSLive New York Keynote

This morning I presented the keynote on Silverlight at VSLive in New York. As promised, here are...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 09/17/2007

New Job, New Challenges

Today we announced that I will be moving from the .NET team to run Visual Studio. I'm really excited...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 09/15/2007

Final .NET Show with Scott Guthrie and Jason Zander

Scott and I had the opportunity to do the final .NET show on Silverlight. The show is live now: I...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 08/21/2007

Visiting Microsoft India Campus

I've spent this week visiting the Microsoft Campus in Hyderabad, India. On Wednesday I had a chance...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 08/10/2007

Speaking at the Oklahoma City Code Camp

I will be doing the opening talk at the OKC Code Camp this Saturday. It looks like Raymond has a...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 07/24/2007

IronRuby Source Available for Download

John Lam and team have been working hard on getting IronRuby ready for public release, and today is...

Author: Jason Zander Date: 07/23/2007

Code Sample: Is Your Process Using the Silverlight CLR?

In my previous post I described how multiple CLRs can now be run in the same process starting with...

Author: Anonymous Date: 05/11/2007

Side by Side In Process CLRs Start with Silverlight

When we started working on managed code for Silverlight one scenario I wanted to see working was the...

Author: Anonymous Date: 05/10/2007

Tip/Trick: Embedding ActiveX in WPF with WindowsFormsHost (Video Demo)

I was looking for instructions on how to embed ActiveX in a WPF application and didn’t find a ton of...

Author: Anonymous Date: 05/07/2007

Silverlight Podcast on HanselMinutes

ScottGu and I did a podcast with Scott Hanselman at Mix on Silverlight. You can get the podcast from...

Author: Anonymous Date: 05/03/2007

Origin of the Silverlight CLR and .NET Framework

One of the common questions I’ve been asked at Mix is exactly where did the CLR / .NET Framework in...

Author: Anonymous Date: 05/01/2007

Announcing .NET Framework Support for Silverlight!

This morning at Mix’07 in Las Vegas we announced something we have been working on since we shipped...

Author: Anonymous Date: 04/30/2007

.NET Framework 3.5 Beta 1 redist released

Last week you saw Soma's announcement about Visual Studio "Orcas" Beta 1 shipping. I'm pleased to...

Author: Anonymous Date: 04/27/2007

Origin of "FrankenBuild"

One thing I realized (too late) is that I need to be more careful about picking funny terms to...

Author: Anonymous Date: 03/31/2007

Tip/trick: finding errors with mda's

Most errors you run into when using the .NET Framework throw an exception making it easy to figure...

Author: Anonymous Date: 03/17/2007

Visiting Chicago

I've been, umm, a little remiss in keeping my blog up to date. The good news is I've been heads down...

Author: Anonymous Date: 02/17/2007

Headed to BASTA! 2006

I will be speaking at the 10th anniversary Basta! conference this week on the .NET Framework 3.0 (in...

Author: Anonymous Date: 09/16/2006

IronPython V1.0 Released!

Congratulations to the IronPython team for releasing their final version of V1.0 for production use....

Author: Anonymous Date: 09/05/2006

.NET Framework 3.0 RC ready for download

NETFX 3.0 just went live on the web today, you can download it here. NETFX 3.0 contains Windows...

Author: Anonymous Date: 09/01/2006

Bringing .NET to the XBox with XNA Game Studio Express

When I was 11, I was introduced to my first computer (an Apple II) in school and had started to...

Author: Anonymous Date: 08/16/2006

Channel 9 video on .NET FX 3.0

The Channel 9 gang has just posted a video I did with Duncan on the .NET FX 3.0. Hopefully the video...

Author: Anonymous Date: 07/19/2006

.NET Framework 3.0 Install White Paper

Annie Wang (PM on our setup team) has written a detailed white paper that just got posted on MSDN....

Author: Anonymous Date: 06/29/2006

More on .NET Framework 3.0 Naming...

Wow, it is great to see the level of passion around the .NET Framework! I wanted to add some...

Author: Anonymous Date: 06/13/2006

WinFX 3.0 Renamed .NET Framework 3.0

Soma announced today that WinFX is being renamed to .NET Framework 3.0 to help out with developer...

Author: Anonymous Date: 06/09/2006

Red Bits and Compatibility

Doesn't Side by Side Cure All? Soma posted in his blog how we plan to produce an updated version of...

Author: Anonymous Date: 05/22/2006

.NET running on XBox 360

Mike's blog has some great screen shots of some C# apps running on the XBox. I had a chance to play...

Author: Anonymous Date: 03/23/2006

ROTOR (SSCLI) 2.0 Ships!

I'm happy to announce today that ROTOR 2.0 has released to the web. You can download the release...

Author: Anonymous Date: 03/23/2006

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