
A couple of Cool Mobile Products for Windows Mobile Devices

I saw demoed a couple of really cool products today. One for business and one for fun.

The first was SpinVox. This converts your voice email messages on your mobile into text or email messages. Jason Langridge demonstrated this with a colleague and within a minute the voicmail message he left on a colleagues phone appeared on the phone as an email message. What this effectively means is that you no longer have to dialin to pick up your voicemail. The caller does not have to do anything differently at all... the Spinvox Software automatically converts the voicmail message into text and sends it to either your text inbox or email inbox or both.

Another Software Package that looks kind of fun is [TAO Mixaplayer](https://tao-group.com/main.php?pageid=563988.php&temptype=t1&pagename=intent®%20miXaPlayer™). This allows you to use this software for creation, editing, mixing and playback of user generated content on mobile devices. This is seriously fun and I intend to download and become seriously addicted.

I am really looking forward to getting a Windows Mobile 6 enabled device in the future. If you want more information on this really great product then please visit the following web site. https://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/default.mspx