
Silicon Valley Code Camp – October 9th and 10th

This October will see the return of the Silicon Valley Code Camp. There are a ton of great sessions and great presenters with sessions covering just about any topic a developer could ask for. Everything from different programming languages and methodologies to writing code for specific products and platforms. You can find out more about it here: Silicon Valley Code Camp 10

I will also be onsite presenting a session on custom logging services and instrumentation in SharePoint 2010. The session will focus on creating a custom logging service in SharePoint 2010 to log events to the SharePoint Trace(ULS) Logs. The main focus is to allow for logging from custom code such as features, web parts, etc… to better troubleshoot issues with custom code in SharePoint 2010. This will hopefully allow many developers to avoid hitting that brick wall where your deployed code fails, but there is no useful data in the SharePoint logs to help troubleshoot or resolve any conflicts or issues.

You can register for the Code Camp here: https://www.SiliconValley-CodeCamp.com/Register.aspx

For a listing of all the available sessions you can go here: https://www.SiliconValley-CodeCamp.com/Sessions.aspx

For those interested, you can sign up for my session as well by going here: https://siliconvalley-codecamp.com/Sessions.aspx?id=524

Even if you are not interested in my particular session, feel free to let me know you are going to be at the code camp in the comments below, maybe I will see you there!