
New interoperability lab: Remote Desktop between Windows and Mac


We have just published a new Lab on InteropVendorAlliance.org titled Remote Desktop Interoperability Lab.

This lab explores scenarios for establishing Remote Desktop connections between Macintosh and Windows based machines.

It gives me the opportunity to welcome Aqua Connect to the Interop VInteropVendorAllianceAquaConnectendor Alliance (IVA). Aqua Connect is a leading solution provider of connectivity between Windows and Macintosh. They have been a great partner to work with, and we are excited to show the results of our partnershiop in this lab. A big thank you to Ronnie Exley and the Aqua Connect team for their participation.

The lab demonstrates how to establish remote desktop connections between Macintosh and Windows based machines:

  • Utilizes Remote Desktop Client for Mac 2 for Mac to PC connectivity
  • Utilizes Aqua Connect’s Mac Remote Desktop Beta.


As part of its development of a Mac terminal server, Aqua Connect obtained a license from Microsoft for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP, more detail here) and integrated the protocol into their solution. Using the protocol documentation that Microsoft had made publicly available, on its developer website (msdn.microsoft.com), Aqua Connect took advantage of the access Microsoft provided to its Interoperability Lab facilities, as well as key Microsoft RDP engineers, to develop a bridge between Windows and Macintosh systems. The result is that any Windows machine can now connect (with the Remote Desktop Connection client) to a Mac with the Aqua Connect Mac Remote Desktop installed.

Further details on the lab are available on the www.InteropVendorAlliance.org site:

Jas Sandhu, Interoperability Vendor Alliance Manager
