
HTML5 : Microsoft Participation in the W3C HTML Working Group

W3chtml5wg I’m Paul Cotton, Group Manager, Web Services Standards and Partners, in the Interoperability Strategy Team. I’m in charge of a team that works on web services standards and interoperability.  My team is involved in W3C, OASIS, WS-I, Apache and ISO/IEC JTC1 and cooperates with the vendor and user communities to advance interoperability of the WS-* specifications.  In addition, I am co-chair of the W3C HTML Working Group that is developing the next version of HTML.

The Web has grown significantly over the last decade based largely on the interoperability of the W3C HTML4 Recommendation.  HTML forms the backbone of interoperability on the Web and the specification is being evolved at the W3C as part of the HTML5 effort.  Along with many other companies and individuals, Microsoft is contributing significant resources and expertise to work with the W3C to ensure the success of the HTML5 efforts (see this blog post [http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2010/03/09/Working-with-the-HTML5-Community.aspx]). 

I had a chance to sit down last week with Philippe Le Hégaret who’s a staff member of the W3C, to discuss Microsoft’s view on HTML5 interoperability and our work in the HTML WG. Please read the minutes of  the interview on the W3C blog: “Interview: Paul Cotton on Microsoft Participation in the W3C HTML Working Group

Paul Cotton


  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2010
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2010
    Have an intention to start with Microsoft. Also interested to work W3 HTML information worker.