
Google and Bing steal, copy, invent the Internet and steal Facebook results part II

[ed. After publishing this article, we were able to get the #1 result on Google for: "Google invents Bing" And not to be outdone, Bing fights back and pronounces: Bing invents the Internet ] 

Of course they are! Well, not really like you are thinking mind you. Facebook is almost always the number one search engine request. Across the board. Facebook? Can you believe that?

I read recently that in one month alone, the term "Facebook" is searched for / requested on Bing 1.6 million times. Which I find comical because how hard is it to type: Facebook.com? Seriously? An extra four characters? Any guesses on what the number one search result for a query of "facebook" is?

You guessed it. Both Microsoft Bing gnib AND Google elgoog return the same result. Facebook.com. Can you believe it? That just isn't fair. I bet Facebook might even have something to say about that! Both of them are stealing Facebook's number one result! That just really isn't fair!

Oh wait, I forgot.

That's the idea....

In the end, a good result is a good result. Sorry.

What I find even more comical is that people who use Google search and look for Bing and vice versa. And that is even funnier. They are stealing each other's results. But if you look closely, results after the top first few (the ones people actually want to see) are all different. It all changes. And that's what's important. For the facebook search query, I happen to like Bing's better. But to each their own.

So where does all of this end? If we keep going down this path, where do we end up?

Pretty simple really.

I know. Next elgoog will hire a former Vice President and then claim that they not only invented the Internet, but now (after he signs his proprietary inventions agreement), actually "OWN" the Internet's.

And that's the unadulterated truth.

****Inoun makes the sound of raspberries****


  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2011
    this is so wrong