
Fun with search and "Where do you want to go today?"

A number of years ago, Microsoft took out a ton of ads at Comdex.  All they posted were cute little phrases like, "Where do you want to go today?"  That one is the only one that I can remember right now (if you actually attended that Comdex, and remember any of the others, please post them here.)

It appeared to me anyway, that after splatting them out there, they then interviewed attendees and figured out which ones they remembered.  For whatever reason, this particular one stuck.  For a while, it became a slogan that you would see in ads everywhere.  Can anyone tell me how Microsoft came up with, "I'm a PC?"  Hm?  Can you?

Fun.   This is all supposed to be fun.  Can blogging about Search be fun?  YES, just wait and see....

So, I ask you, my reader, "Where do you want to go today?"  What are some of the search and word topics that you want to see covered in this blog?  I would love to hear your comments.  And to get things started, here are a few to prime the pump. And if you have some of your own, by all means, post them as comments.

  • Stop words have feelings too....
  • Expletives and other useless, but very interesting words.
  • Context.  What does it mean anyway?
  • Family word games that your kids will love (and your spouse will hate).
  • Why are search engines so stupid?
  • Rickroll'd and other random words that didn't exist 10 years ago?
  • The great anti-query and other stupid things that people search for.
  • How come I can't find anything?  Wasting time finding what can't be found, but should should be found even though you know it exists but can't find it anyway.  Found!
  • The search jungle and other ways to drive your coworkers crazy.
  • "I do not think that means what you think it means" and other fun movie related deep dives.
  • 42 mental search games.
  • Search Applications.  They don't exist, and why there is no such thing as a search application.
  • Assertions.  Does milk really cause pimples?
  • 4 and why is it the cosmic number?
  • Noun phrases.  Why do I even care?
  • German and how it can really mess you up?
  • Riddles, jokes, words, and how they make you laugh.
  • Why I failed English.
  • Little known facts found traveling the byways of the information super highway.

And I could go on, but if anything seems to strike your fancy, just pop me a line or post a comment.  We are going to have incredible fun with search.  And probably learn something in the process.