
Windows PowerShell 1.0 has been Released!

Since TechEd IT Forum in Barcelona last week there has been a lot of excitement and questions surrounding Windows PowerShell (previously known as Monad).  So I thought I'd post some additional information about it.

So first the intro -

Microsoft Windows PowerShell is a command line shell and scripting language makes IT Pros more productive. Using this new admin-focused scripting language with more than 130 standard command line tools, and consistent syntax and utilities, Windows PowerShell allows easier admin control and accelerates automation.

It's also supposed to be easy to learn and use as it works with your existing IT infrastructure and existing script investments.  It also runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server “Longhorn”, Exchange Server 2007, System Center Operations Manager 2007, System Center Data Protection Manager V2, and System Center Virtual Machine Manager.

The current version only supports Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003.  The Vista package will be available by Jan. 31, 2007, at the latest ... but they are working very hard to deliver this earlier - so watch this space.

You can download PowerShell 1.0 HERE.

Also, if you want to stay in the know with regard to Windows command line scripting you can check out the PowerShell Team Blog.