
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 has an official release date!

windows-7-logo-300x300 As we toured around Ireland on the Windows 7 Tour, the single most asked question was around when was it coming out. Well……..

“TAIPEI, Taiwan — June 2, 2009 — Microsoft is so confident with the progress made with the development of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 that it will deliver Release to Manufacturing (RTM) code to partners for both products in the second half of July. Both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 will be available to the public on Oct. 22, 2009.”

For anyone who attended the great Windows Live and Digital Photographer session put on by Aidan Finn as part of TechDays Ireland will also like the announcement at the same event. Another bid to create a useful class of consumer devices is Fugoo. The Fugoo platform uses a version of Windows in conjunction with widely available Web “widgets,” which publish everything from the time and weather to currency exchange  rates and horoscopes. Worktank

Fugoo’s prototype devices integrate that software functionality into home appliances to create dynamic displays in clocks, picture  frames and even coffee makers.

At Computex, Fugoo is announcing that its first commercially available product, a digital picture frame launched in partnership with Pandigital in the U.S., will be available on the market this summer.

The frame is Web-enabled and can download photos from social networks or online photo services. It also allows users to download photos directly from a PC or digital camera.

See the full details of the press release at https://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2009/Jun09/06-02SteveGuggenheimer.mspx.



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