
SharePoint, SharePoint, SharePoint


If you have spent anytime in a Microsoft presentation in the last 2 plus years, you are sure to have been hit over the head with the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) message. The reason we keep hitting on this message is it one of the best products we make and helps businesses of all types.

Because this product is so popular, we have been releasing tools and resources that will help with the planning, deployment and management of solutions built on SharePoint. Here a couple I have come across in the last week that may be of help or interest.

SharePoint Visio Stencils

The Sharepoint Product Team released the set of Sharepoint Architecture Diagram stencils that they used with Visio 2007 to create  the diagrams from the posters they created around sample designs.

To create your own diagrams for models of server deployments, just download the stencil pack below. For examples of how the IT pro content publishing team for Microsoft Office used these shapes, see these pages: Sharepoint visio



SharePoint Designer Book

Sharepointbook John Jansen, Test Lead for Sharepoint Designer just had his book published by Microsoft Press, “Building Web Applications with Microsoft Office Sharepoint Designer 2008”.

Just as importantly, the team directs people to these two links where you can view John's free training videos on SharePoint Designer 2007 on Office Online:

· A six-part series on getting the most out of SharePoint Designer 2007

· SharePoint Designer 2007 Business Administrator Training

LINK: https://sharepoint.microsoft.com/blogs/GetThePoint/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=8d9e2a99%2Df288%2D47c2%2D916b%2D2f32864f7b82&ID=179



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