
Microsofts #1 Event in Europe for IT Professionals - In Barcelona

Register for TechEd IT Forum in Barcelona Now! .... and save €300.

I wanted to get this news out early! Previously there was TechEd during the summer (for IT professionals and developers) followed by IT Forum in Barcelona in November (tailored for IT Pros). However, seeing as we were so happy with Barcelona as a destination last year for IT Forum we’ve decided to have two conferences running back to back in November. The first week is for Developers and is called TechEd: Developers and the second week, which runs from 14th -17th November, is for IT professionals and is called TechEd: IT Forum. You can check out all the detail about these events on their respective websites. However, I would like to draw your attention to the Super Early Bird Offer, which gives you and your company a €300 discount plus some cool extra bonuses which includes:

These bonuses will include:

  • Special invitation to a private technical session with a top Microsoft speaker
  • Reserved priority seating in the Opening Keynote presentation
  • 50% discount on any Microsoft Press book to the value of €50, at the onsite Microsoft Learning bookshop
  • Discount at the onsite Microsoft conference shop
  • Limited edition baseball cap / t-shirt (tbc)

I attended the event last year and it was really good with so many 300-400 technical level sessions, interactive chalk and talks, self paced hands on labs etc. We always survey attendees to see whether they were satisfied with the event or not and the feedback was very positive. 92% of attendees said they would recommend the event to other people and 82% wanted to return again to the 2006 event, that speaks for itself. On a personal note I spoke with many Irish attendees (generally over tapas and refreshments) who found that it was a great opportunity for them to step back from their very busy routines and really get a clear view of where the technologies are at and where they are going. I remember many of them saying that they would be able to take the learning’s of that one week and use it as their ‘toolbox’ for the coming year.