
Last few remaining places in the Dublin Windows Server 2008, SQL 2008 and VS 2008 launch event

Two of the three sessions are now full - register quickly to claim a place in the last remaining session.

Date: Tuesday, 11th March 2008

Venue: Tripod, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2

Time: There are three sessions to choose from:

12.00-14.00 NOW FULL
15.00-17.00 Register Now!
18.00-20.00 NOW FULL

At the event you will be brought through a 2 hour experience which includes an introduction of the three
products and a tour where you can observe demos and gather information on your specific areas of interest.
The venue will be divided up into various areas covering a broad range of topics across the three products.

Best of all, you will leave with a promotional kit that includes product licences for Windows Server 2008,
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 .

Visit www.microsoft.ie/launch2008 for further information on community events, new products, local stories on launch and the Launch Experience 2008 – also watch this space for information on launch event in Belfast on
April 8th.