
Interview with Rory Donnely - IT at work & play

Rory Donnely is the CIO of Nissan Ireland, he is a big Microsoft fan and adopts our products early on in their lifecycle.

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He talks about the technology behind the Case Studies that he has already done for us (Windows Server 2008, Hyper-V, Vista and Office) and his plans to deploy the new Microsoft products as and when they are available.

Rory is responsible for convincing me to go out and buy a Home Server.  I get to ask him about his use of IT at home - Media Centre, Xbox, Home Server, Zunes, etc.

You can read Rory's case studies here: https://www.microsoft.com/ireland/casestudies/

And if you live in Ireland and want to join the IT Pro Momentum program please email me mailto:daven@microsoft.com


Daven Dave

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