
Attention! IE7 being delivered by WSUS on 12th Feb

  On February 12, 2008 we will release the Windows Internet Explorer 7 Installation and Availability Update worldwide to Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) marked as an Update Rollup package.  Windows Internet Explorer 7 Installation and Availability Update is a complete installation package that will upgrade machines running Internet Explorer 6 to Windows Internet Explorer 7. 

This release has an updated "first-run" experience and no longer requires Windows Genuine validation. Because the installation package has been updated, this release has a different WSUS package ID than the original Windows Internet Explorer 7 package.

If you use WSUS, you may need to take action even if you have previously declined Windows Internet Explorer 7. If you have configured WSUS to "auto-approve" packages marked as anUpdate Rollup for installation, Windows Internet Explorer 7 will be automatically approved for installation.

Action Required

Microsoft understands that some enterprise customers use the WSUS channel to keep certain desktops current with the latest security and reliability updates, and that IT administrators may wish to postpone deployment of IE7 in such environments. To help minimize disruption, you should review the Knowledge Base article 946202 "Windows Internet Explorer 7 to be distributed via WSUS February 12, 2008", which outlines the steps to take in order to manage how and when Internet Explorer 7 is installed.  


You will need to take action if you:

  • Use WSUS to manage updates in your environment.
  • Have Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) based computers or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) based computers that currently have Internet Explorer 6 installed.
  • Do not want to upgrade Internet Explorer 6 machines to Windows Internet Explorer 7 at this time.
  • Have configured WSUS to auto-approve Update Rollups for installation.


Note: As previously communicated, the Internet Explorer 7 Blocker Toolkit is designed for Automatic Updates only and therefore will not block WSUS updates (see Internet Explorer 7 Blocker FAQ ). 

Additional InformationThe following links provide additional information you may find useful. 

Internet Explorer 7 via WSUS


Update Management Solutions