Oct.30 – Nov.5 Hot-Fix KB articles Weekly Release - SQL Server
Hi Everyone,
Last week, 3 SQL Server related hot-fix KB articles were released and they are for SQL Server 2005. Below are the details:
SQL Server 2005 - 3 KB articles:
· 958573 A memory leak occurs when you repeatedly invoke a trigger that contains the RAISERROR statement by using a SQLCLR stored procedure in SQL Server 2005
· 944099 Error message when you use the System.Data.SqlClient managed data provider to connect to an instance of SQL Server 2005 that is configured to use database mirroring: "Internal .Net Framework Data Provider error 6"
· 958547 The values of the datetime column are not same for the rows that are copied when you copy data to a table by using the GETDATE() function in Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Content Team
- Anonymous
November 06, 2008
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